Tuesday, August 4, 2015

The purpose of this blog

This blog is public, though it's main purpose is to give me motivation to get out my thoughts and opinions on things dealing with my favorite games, movies, and comics. I'm not under any delusion that it will become popular or read by anyone other than possibly my kids as I'm explaining old video game equipment to them.

But someone may find it useful, so I might as well put it out there.

To start off, there are going to be several categories that posts will belong to. Right now, the ones I have planned are: Video Game History (mainly my own experience, but also some general details as well), Zelda music, Zelda game reviews and suggested changes, Marvel movie reviews, and some other things that aren't on the horizon right now. I'm hoping to get all of the things I've already listed done by 2016 at the latest so I can move onto other things.

Late 2019 Edit: 

It occurs to me that I might need to explain the naming of the blog. Usually the term "fanboy" is used pejoratively, and reserved for someone who is firmly in the camp of the creators of the media (or whatever) who can do no wrong in their eyes. 

For example, my friend from college was of the opinion that anything created/written by Gene Roddenberry was nothing short of pure genius and most things made by George Lucas was mediocre drivel. He was what we would call a Star Trek fanboy. 

I was once a fanboy of Nintendo (and anti-Sega), Marvel (and anti-DC mostly), and Star Wars (with a healthy dislike of Star Trek), but I would say now I'm a more discerning consumer of genre entertainment and recognize the strengths and weaknesses of each flavor/brand/company. So I'm using the term somewhat ironically now but also owning that I used to be one in an effort to reclaim the word. 

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