Friday, October 20, 2017

My Zelda Music Medley

I have wanted to do something like this for a while, and started this project in earnest back in February 2017 as a way to keep my mind busy while waiting for Breath of the Wild to release. I got about halfway done before the game released, and then did nothing about it for about 6 months (because I was playing so much BotW). But I just finished it and added some pictures to make it more interesting. 

My goal was to put 2 pieces of music from each game that did not appear in other games. So for example, "Ganon's theme" was a good piece of music, but it appears in multiple games. But when you hear "Gerudo Valley," you immediately think Ocarina of Time since that was the only game in which it appears. I was able to mostly accomplish this (a few games have 3 pieces each, and a couple of songs appear in multiple games).

The second thing was that I wanted to keep to using fully orchestrated pieces as much as possible. I was able to find great versions of almost everything, but was unsuccessful on a few and had to use the original game music. However, since the last few games had orchestrated music to begin with, I could use it without needing to find a remix. 

The only thing that I would love to do is to have someone take my medley and record it all using the same instrument set and in the same key so it doesn't seem like we're switching from piano to guitar to orchestra and back. I appreciate all the fine musicians who made each version of the song I used and thank them for their contribution. 

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